Varieties of Gender Regimes Webinar


Varieties of Gender Regimes


Thursday 24 September 2020 14.00-16.00 (BST)


This event will discuss the Special Section of Social Politics on ‘Varieties of Gender Regimes’ published in August 2020.

What are the varieties of gender regime? This event focuses on Walby’s varieties of gender regimes and pathways to alternative forms.  Both the domestic and public regimes will be addressed and, within the public, both neoliberal and social democratic varieties. Is this model sufficient to encompass the turn to less progressive forms and multiple global regions or are further varieties needed? At stake here is the distinction between modern and premodern, public and domestic, the meaning of conservative, the concept of the family, and the theorisation of violence.

Speakers and Discussants

All the papers will be introduced by their authors in the order set out below. This will be followed by two discussants and the meeting will then be opened to question and answer:

Moderator: Heidi Gottfried (Wayne State University, USA)

Discussants: Mieke Verloo (Radboud University, Netherlands) and Roberta Guerrina (University of Bristol, UK)

This event is hosted by the Violence and Society Centre, City, University of London, UK, and co-organised with the Essen College for Gender Research, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.


Registration is free. Register in advance for the event here.

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